▶ Costs > Building Settings
Enabling cost types for period
Enabling cost type converting to another cost type
Enabling CO2 emissions conversion
Enabling Space sets
Enabling meters
Merging cost types
Hint! If you have a special case to handle and cannot find the exact answer here, please contact our support in Moderan chat or write to [email protected].
Enabling cost types for period
▶ Costs > Building Settings > Enabling cost types for period
In this table you can set up all Cost types that are managed in this specific property and how they should be distributed to Tenants in selected accounting period.
In Building setting > Enabling cost types for period table start by adding a new line and choose a Cost type.
If the Cost type is not present in the drop-down list, it can be added in the Admin > Cost settings (accessible only for Admin users).
If this Cost type has any subcosts (for example, electricity may be measured separately for day and night or water warm and cold) add these in Enabled subcosts column.
Subcosts may also be used for some special cases, for example:
- You want to measure and display certain parts of electricity consumption separately - sometimes when cooling or ventilation electricity constitutes a big part of the general electricity, you want to measure and display it separately;
- Some part of electricity is used to produce another cost type (for example, you have a heating station inside the building and you want to add the electricity this station uses to the cost of heating), then you can create a heating subcost under electricity and convert it into the other cost type (see section Enabling cost type converting to another cost type).
Hint! If you have a special case to handle and cannot find the exact answer here, please contact our support in Moderan chat or write to [email protected].
Next, select the correct Distribution basis for distributing the general part of this cost type:
- Split all between selected tenants - the entire cost is divided between the Tenants that participate in the splitting of this cost type. This means, that if any of the Tenants has exceptions (for example, they are excluded from this cost type, have a fixed fee etc) then these exceptions are first subtracted from the total cost amount and then the entire reminder gets split proportionally between the tenants that are participating in this cost type and do not have any exceptions. The overall result of this option is that no cost is left to landlord, the whole amount is split to the selected Tenants.
- Leasable space - the general cost is divided between the total leasable area of the property. As a result, Tenants always pay their proportional share of this cost - changes in vacancy or any exceptions made to any tenants do not affect other tenants. The overall result of this option is that the landlord covers the cost of vacant spaces and the difference for any exceptions made to any tenant.
- Leased space - the general cost is divided only to the area currently rented out. This means that no cost is divided to vacant premises. When vacancy changes, so will each Tenant's share of this cost. The overall result of this option is that the landlord covers only the cost difference for the exceptions made for Tenants (if any). For example, if there is a special agreement with a Tenant that they do not pay for this cost type, their share of the cost remains with the landlord. Or if there is an agreement that the tenant covers fixed 50 EUR per month for this fee, then the landlord gets the upside or downside.
- Units based - the general cost is divided between the specified number of units. This distribution basis ignores m2 of the Building. For example, sometimes the cost is divided equally between the number of Tenants or the number of apartments. With this distribution basis, you also have to mark in Contract terms, how many units each Tenant covers. The difference between the Total units and the aggregate number of units marked for all Tenants (if any) remains with the Landlord.
- Individual usage proportion - general cost is distributed according to the proportions of individual usage. This is normally used for metered costs, electricity or water, for example. If any individual cost is metered on vacant spaces and remains with the landlord, then the equal proportion of the general cost also remains with the landlord.
Hint: Distribution basis affects only the General part of the Cost (including Shared Common meters) and not individual consumption.
Space set - by default, the general cost is divided between all the m2. However, sometimes this service is provided only in a restricted area that can be defined through a Space set that you add in the Enabling Space sets section.
Distribution total - shows you the total number of m2 or units between which this cost is divided. This number depends on your selection of Distribution basis and Space set. If you have selected Leased space as the Distribution basis, this number will change from one month to another depending on the vacancy. Always make sure this is the correct number you need.
Calculated tariff - automatically calculated general cost per m2 or unit (depending on the selected Distribution basis), when Bills are added.
Manual tariff - you can always set a fixed price per m2 or unit. Manual tariff takes precedence over Calculated tariff - so if you have entered the Manual tariff, it will be used instead of Calculated tariff.
General cost setup:
- has to be Enabled in most cases, e.g. when Bill is split by leasable space proportion.
- Unit - select (m2, Month or Same as Individual) to display on invoice. Calculation is still done by Distribution basis, but on invoice it shows the unit selected here.
Individual costs setup:
- is usually Enabled if the Cost type has meters.
- Activate Show readings on invoice to add meter names and readings to Tenant invoice.
- Forward cost - only for cost types like additional works that go directly to tenants (Rental Contracts should be specified in the Bills)
- Write Units (the usage of Cost type will be displayed in these units), e.g. for Electricity it can be kWh, MWh, for Water - m3.
REPLICATE. This option is hidden by default. If you want to turn it on, please click on the arrow down in the column header > Columns > check-mark Replicate:
The most common use case: you want to split Electricity and Network fees separately, but the Network fees should be split exactly the same way as the Electricity is being split.
In this particular case, you would create a Network fee which replicates the electricity:
When you click on the button "Replicate" and choose the Electricity, all other fields are filled automatically (according to Electricity settings).
Hint! For more complicated cases or if you have additional questions, please contact our support at [email protected].
Enabling cost type converting to another cost type
▶ Costs > Building Settings > Enabling cost types converting to another cost type
You can easily convert any cost type to another, converting all usage or only part of it (if dedicated sub-cost meters are used). There are 3 types of conversions in Moderan:
- 1. How many units of Source cost you need to create 1 unit of Target cost?
Enables conversion of one cost type or the usage of certain meters (for sub-cost type) into another cost type, which is shared between tenants according to the logic of Cost type Distribution basis. For example, you use central heating (kWh) to heat water (m3) > you determine how many units of heating are needed to heat 1 unit of water. Conversion rate can be retrieved from the Service provider or calculated manually.
Some of the most commonly used conversions: Electricity or gas is converted into Thermal energy/Heating; gas or electricity is converted to hot water.
- 2. Transfer all Source cost to Target cost.
Allows to completely transfer the consumption of one cost type or selected meters to the consumption of another cost type, which is distributed among the tenants according to the settings made.
For example, you want to distribute all incoming gas as thermal energy to the tenants.
Or you want to divert the electricity usage of one sub-cost meters (e.g. Electricity - Ventilation) into heating.
- 3. Transfer Source usage and cost to Target cost
Allows to completely transfer the consumption and the cost of Source cost type or selected meters to the consumption and cost of another cost type, which is distributed among the tenants according to the settings made.
With this conversion type the usage that is converted is also visible on reports (gray lines).
When Conversions are enabled, you will be able to see the calculations done by a program in the separate tab - Conversions:
Enabling CO2 emissions conversion
▶ Costs > Building Settings > Enabling CO2 emissions conversion
It is possible to Enable CO2 emissions conversion, if, for example, you are planning to gather information for the Sustainability reporting about the Building emissions from purchased electricity, heat and etc.
To activate the conversion the CO2 emissions factor should be added for each Cost type. You can obtain the necessary information from your Service provider.
After CO2 emissions conversion is activated, new tab - CO2 emissions will be available, where you can check, the CO2 emissions part that is calculated for each Tenant and Total for whole Building/s:
This information is also available in the Reports > Tenant Costs and Property Costs
It is more convenient view, if you want to compare data through time.
Click on the report names to get more info about Tenant Costs and Property Costs reports.
Enabling Space sets
▶ Costs > Building Settings > Enabling Space sets
Create different space sets based on how you need to group building spaces to share costs. You can define floors, areas, different Tenant spaces etc. You can add Space set also to the meter (for example in case the usage of the selected meter is shared among the tenants who are in the created space set).
Just select all spaces that are in a space set, write a Name and additional Notes if needed and Save. You can modify Space sets at any time in selected cost period.
Enabling meters
▶ Costs > Building Settings > Enabling meters
You can enter all Meters manually or if the Building/Property has too many meters, Support team can help you with the import. Contact us at s[email protected], we will provide you with the Meters import template.
You can find in-depth article about Adding Meters into Moderan here.
Merging cost types
▶ Costs > Building Settings > Merging cost types
You might have Cost types with separate Bills from Service provider, that are split by different rules, but only one line is shown on invoices for Tenants. For example, there could be two separate bills for services like Security or Cleaning.
Additionally, some cost types may consist of multiple components. For instance, a water bill from the provider might include three separate charges that are distributed differently among tenants. Instead of displaying each charge separately, these components can be merged into a single line, e.g. Water General:
- Water and Sewage (measured by meters),
- Monthly Fee for Water Connection (allocated based on square meters),
- Rainwater (allocated based on square meters).
The option to merge cost types is available at the bottom of the Building Settings page. By default, it is hidden under the SHOW/HIDE button. To merge cost types:
- Click the SHOW/HIDE button to reveal all lines of Cost types.
- Drag the cost type you wish to merge and drop it under the main cost type.
- To undo a merge, simply drag the merged cost type back onto the Grey Header and release.
Hint! For more complicated cases or if you have additional questions, please contact our support at [email protected].