▶ Costs > Building Settings > Enabling Meters

In order to register readings you have to add (or Enable) Meters in the Moderan system. 

This is done in the Costs > Building Settings > Enabling Meters > +ADD NEW:

Before starting with the Meters, make sure, that all measured Cost types are enabled (Building settings > Enabling cost types for period).

1. Set a Name*/ID for the meter

2. Specify the Cost type

3. Transmission factor

4. Select the Meter Type 

4. Add a Space

5. Add a Description

6. Add Meters in a Sequence / Child meters


Meter fields explained

1. Set a Name*/ID for the meter

Meter name can be a description of meter (e.g. to indicate, that meter measures Cold Water, the meter name could start with CW followed by location) or an actual name of the meter. 

If you have a technical ID from the remote readings integration partner, add this number to Technical ID column.

Hint! By default, Technical ID column is hidden, you can easily make it visible by check-marking it in the Columns:

In case you need to show readings on the invoices, remember that meter name is also visible on the tenant cost invoice.

2. Specify the Cost type

Select the cost or sub-cost type that is measured by this Meter from the drop-down. 

If you cannot find the cost/sub-cost in the drop-down, make sure you have enabled it in the 

Building settings > Enabling cost types for period:

You can add create the Cost types (and sub-cost types) in the Admin > Cost settings. By default, program has Electricity (with sub-costs Day, Night) and Water (with sub-costs Cold, Warm):

3. Transmission factor

If readings need to be multiplied with a certain number, because meter does not read by 1 digit or needs to be converted from MWh to kWh then you should add the Transmission factor:

4. Select the Meter Type 

NB! Meter type affects how the usage of the meter will be calculated and shown in summary.

In Moderan there are 5 types of Meters:

Individual meter - this type is used directly to 1 tenant or to multiple tenants split by fixed % /coefficient. With this type we recommend to add the Space.

Main meter - in case you have only one you don't need to add it separately. We recommend adding the Main meter Usage from the incoming cost invoice. 

In case there are multiple Main meters in the Property, you should add all of them.

Shared meters - their usage is distributed by multiple tenants. The Space set should be created and selected for each Shared meter.

There are two types of Shared meters:

  • Shared individual meter - meter usage distributed directly to multiple tenants and split by their m2 proportions. It is necessary to select in the Spaces column the Space set or All. Meter usage and cost will be displayed on the cost invoice as Individual cost.
  • Shared common meter - its' usage distributed to multiple tenants as a General cost and split by their m2 proportions. It is necessary to select in the Spaces column the Space set or All. On the Costs invoices meter usage and amount will be included in the General cost.

Circulation meter - it is usually used for meters that are not participating in cost calculations. Most commonly used to calculate the Warm water usage (this type of meters measure how much (water) came in and how much came out, and the difference is taken into account). 

Circulation meter always goes as a Child meter.

Hint: Stand alone Circulation meters some times are used for control (as the usage of these meters does not go into calculations).

4. Add a Space

It is highly recommended to specify the Space - for Individual meters or Space set - for Shared meters.

Spaces column has a drop down menu with all Spaces available in the Property-Building set, when meter type is Individual:

If Meter type is Shared individual or Shared common, then in the Spaces column you can select Space set (created beforehand in the Enabling space set) or option All:

By selecting correct Spaces to each Individual meter program allows you Automatically link meters to Rental Contracts through Spaces:

5. Add a Description

Description can help you identify or locate meter in case its Name/ID is abstract. Information you add in this field is not visible in the tenants' invoice.

6. Add Meters in a Sequence / Child meters

By grabbing the meter row and dragging it onto another meter or clicking +ADD CHILD you can make a sequence. Use this option when one meter usage should be subtracted from another meter usage. You can create as many sequences as necessary.


By switching on this option, all meters that have Spaces specified will be automatically linked to the Rental Contracts. Meter name will be present in each Tenants/Rental Contracts line in the Contract terms.

In case the tenant changes, the program automatically links the meter to new tenant.

If the Tenant does not have a Rental Space (e.g. Antenna on the roof or ATM machines) there is a possibility to link the Meter to Rental Contract manually (Contract terms > Individual Costs setup > Manual meter linking). 

You can find more info about Contract terms in here (https://support.moderansolutions.com/en/support/solutions/articles/64000306187-contract-terms)

Moderan allows you to set up different scenarios using coefficients, percentages, cost dividing rules etc. Feel free to contact us for consultation.