To see a step by-step instruction on regular Space size change please check this article: Spaces

In this article we collect various use-cases in real life property management, and give a view on how to solve them using Moderan.

Case: Tenant A had a Space 101. Now this Space is being split to two other Tenants B and C:

  • Tenant B already had neighbor Space 102. 
    Physically what has been done is that part of Space 101 was merged to Space 102. 
  • The remaining area of Space 101 was given to Tenant C.



Step 1- Ensure the Space was physically rebuilt in a way one part was merged to the other Space.

Normally, when you split a Space in two you create a second one and put to each of the two a corresponding new Size. 

In this case we see the Space was not only split - but same time partially merged in the other. 

This way, we need to increase the size of Space 102 respectively to the part of Space 101 added, and assign the rest to Tenant C.

Step 2 - Split the Spaces as per the physical changes

1. Increase Space 102 by the part of Space 101 size that was physically added to it

2. Decrease Space 101 by the same part

Ensure both changes are registered for the same date in Moderan

3. Assign Space 102 to Tenant B

4. Assign Space 101 to Tenant C

Ensure both Contracts has rent calculations change for the same date as Space size change

It is important to known the details of actual size reconstructions of Spaces: changes might not be identical to the original Space sizes, sometimes area is remeasured. 

Always double check this and the sizes stated in the new Contracts!