Contracts > Requests, Rental Contracts, Service Contracts

Moderan provides you with the ability to keep various documents and records of events related to negotiations and contract updates in the Interactions & files block.

This block is available in the Rental Contracts, Service Contracts and Requests. It has the same functionality across the Moderan.

Uploading a File

To upload a File to Interactions & Files block:

  • Go to the Rental/Service Contract or Request;
  • Scroll down to the Interactions & Files block, and click  +ADD NEW and fill in all neccessary info about the Document:

The fields in Pop-up table:

  • Date* - mandatory field. You may add documents and interactions with current date or dates in the past for ones that already happened. You may add future dates to keep reminders about upcoming tasks/events;
  • Assignee - by default it is set to the email of th eperson adding the File;
  • Type - choose the Type corresponding to the File you want to add (e.g. Contract
  • Description. Enter file description (ex: Contract signed, Appendix I, etc)
  • File url. If you are using external document management system, add here external URL leading to a file 
  • File (upload area). We support all file formats! Upload a Contract pdf, a Deed Act, any XLS sheets or pictures to store Contract related info inside Moderan.

NB! You can select or drag-n-drop multiple Files at once.

However, added Files cannot be deleted or edited. 
If you need to edit a File added, add a new line with the correct File and delete the line with the incorrect one.

Adding an Interaction

To add a record of the activity (Interaction), that happened in a relation to the Contract or Request:

  • Go to the Rental/Service Contract or Request;
  • Scroll down to the Interactions & Files block, and click  +ADD NEW and fill in all neccessary info about the Interaction:

The fields to fill-in:

  • Date* - mandatory field. You can add interactions with current date or dates in the past for ones that already happened. You may add future dates to keep reminders about upcoming tasks/events
  • Assignee - by default it is set to the email of th eperson adding the File
  • Type - choose the Type "Interaction"
  • Description - Enter the description of the event
  • File / File url - in case you want to add a File to your Interaction

Setting Tasks and Reminders

When the interaction is saved with a future date, Moderan automatically sets a reminder.

Program indicates, that Interaction has a reminder by adding the Bell icon next to the date:

NB! Interaction reminders are sent personally to the email in the Assignee field, unlike the general Contract reminders.

Ending a Task or Reminder

To end a Task or Reminder set for the future (bell sign) or expired and not marked done (pink lines) click to Edit this interaction and add a tick to Mark as Done:

Hint! By default an interaction will be marked as done automatically, if you are adding it with date in the past or today (not future).

Types of Interactions & files in Moderan

In Moderan you can record various types of files and activities. By default Interaction & Files have the Following Types:

  • Certificate
  • Contract
  • Deed
  • Interaction
  • Other

You can create your own types in the Admin > Settings > Customizing contract fields (available only for Admin user):

We highly recommend maintaining records of Contracts and Deeds (such as Acts of Space Transfer or Amendments related to Monthly Rent changes) and setting future Meeting dates to remind yourself (or other active users) of potential term changes following negotiations. 

Interactions & files in Requests

 Contracts > Requests

All Interaction & file block will be transferred automatically to Rental Contracts, when the Request is converted to Contract.

Adding Interactions & files to the Request is exactly the same process as adding them to the Contracts.


 Contracts > Documents

All files uploaded in the Interactions & files block are gathered together under the Documents tab:

Documents table works the same way as any other table in Moderan:

  • You can arrange columns in certain order (by grabing column header and dragging it to a desireble place);
  • You can sort columns by assending or dessending order;
  • It is possible to Hide some columns or Show all of them;
  • You can Filter Documents by certain cryteria (File Name, document Type, Date, Property, etc.);
  • It is possible to search through all Documents uploaded in your entire Portfolio with the key words.

Documents list can be exported to Excel.