Rent and Fees section is one of the most important parts of Moderan Contract card. It keeps the historical changes of Rental fee and other fees as per Contract.  Data from here is used in calculations and Reports all over Moderan.

The blue lines in section are clickable. The data you see in the section reflects the current situation and information active for today.

Section fields overview 

Rental Space 

Shows the total rental space of the Contact: a sum of all Spaces in this Contract.

Clicking Rental Space value takes you to Rental Space settings pop-up.

This pop-up is where you change Spaces linked to Contract and track changes. 

By clicking +Add New you can change the current Spaces scope for the Contract, add more Spaces, unlink others.

* A new line is automatically created here by Moderan in case you changed the particular Space size/add a new Space to the Contract - with the new Space sizes. 

Monthly Rent

Monthly Rent is the main fee for Rental agreements. 

Clicking Monthly Rent takes you to Billing Types settings pop-up.

By clicking +Add New you can add here a current Contract Rent (as well as other fees for the Contract, see below). 

Start date - state the date as per Contract Previously used Rent lines will be greyed out.

If you add a Rent with a future date:

- It will automatically be taken by Moderan when the time comes

- It gets reflected across Moderan in all reports it is linked 

E.g. If you 

If you add more fees the monthly rent gets listed there

If future fees added here it gets reflected across Moderan in all reports it is linked

eg Assets monthly rental income is a today view

but on jan 1 it will go up automatically 

* A new line is automatically created here by Moderan in case you changed the particular Space size/add a new Space to the Contract - with the recalculated monthly Rent.

NB! There are cases when a Rental Contract might have no Monthly Rent, and the field is left empty.
Example: Mailbox/Legal address contract, Parking lot, Telecom towers on the roof of the buildings 

Rent per m2 

Clicking Rent per m2 also takes you to Billing Types settings pop-up.

A new line is automatically created here by Moderan in case you changed the Space size itself - with the recalculated monthly Rent per m2.

Payment Interval -

Payment Date -

Amount overdue - 

Add other fees - Clicking Add other fees takes you to Billing Types settings pop-up.

Apart from the Rent lines adding as above, many of the other fees might be added to the Contract.

Filling in Rent and Fees for a Contract

A. Start with adding Spaces first

When you create a new Rental Contract and get to filling the Rent and other Fees block, ensure adding Spaces first. For this, either click Edit next to Spaces or Edit next to Rental Space:

- If there was no Transfer Date stated before, you will have clear view without any lines. Click +Add New and add Spaces.

- If there was a Transfer Date stated, that has already created an empty line in Spaces with the same date. In this case, simply click on the date and select a Space.

Transfer Date is always the same as the first date of Rental Space addedA Space cannot be linked with a date prior to the Contract Transfer Date.

B. Add Rent


Start of Rent Payments date is always the same as the first date of Rental Fee addedA Rent cannot be stated earlier than Start of Rent Payments date, and vice versa.

C. Add other Fees