▶ Costs > Readings

There are 3 ways of entering meter Readings in Moderan:

Adding readings manually

If you have entered all meters in the Building settings > Enable meters, all Individual, Shared and Main meters are displayed in the Readings page. Here you can edit each line and add Previous and Current readings, program will automatically calculate the Usage. For Main meters you can simply add the Usage.

When creating the next cost period, the Previous readings are copied from the period before and only the Current readings needs to be added.

Import readings using Moderan Excel template

In Moderan you do not have to enter every single meter reading manually - you can upload the meter readings in bulk.

  • Get the readings data from your meters

  • Fill in this info into our Excel template

  • Upload it to make a record into the database

  • Add them to your Costs from this database 

  • That's it!

Now these readings are in your Moderan calculations.   


Each action is illustrated below:

Step 1. Create or select a period to upload your Readings

Step 2. Fill in the template

Step 3. Importing readings to a database

Step 4. Adding readings from your database

Step 1. Create or select a period to upload your Readings

At the end of each month normally the meter readings are ready - and now you can import them (you can also add readings any other time, on a random date, mid-month, etc).

When you import it, the readings data will be stored in Readings database. From this database you can further add Readings data to the Costs period calculations.

NB! If you enter a new reading for the same building, meter ID and date, it will overwrite the previous reading figure for that date!

To start, please go to the Costs > Readings

Tip: Moderan will automatically list the previous Readings for the new period, in case you had a previous period and readings in it.

Click on OPEN READINGS DATABASE - you need to download the Import template we have prepared to make the upload smooth:


Step 2. Fill in the template

The template has only 4 columns to be filled:

Property/Building set name - copy and paste the name of the Property.

Tip: This field is case-sensitive, so the easiest way to fill it correctly is to copy it.


Meter ID - fill in the ID/name of the Meter.


It does not have to be predefined: we will highlight for you if the meter stated is not yet in the system or not enabled for the period.

Current reading - copy the reading you got for the Meter at the due date.

The cell format is originally set as Number. Moderan supports up to 5 digits after comma, you can be precise. 

Date - fill in the date in DD.MM.YY format (ex. 01.01.2000)


You may also add readings outside the selected period, and it will be added to the database.

Step 3. Importing readings to a database

Upload the filled template into Moderan on the same page Costs > Readings OPEN READINGS DATABASE

You can select the import template file or simply drag and drop it in the area:


In case you miss reading, meter ID, date or property name you will see the error when importing. These columns are required to be filled.

Once the import is completed the new readings will appear:

  • Newly entered Readings are marked white
  • Readings entered to the database previously are marked grey. If you close the window and click Readings Database again, all readings will be grey.
  • If a meter is not registered for this period or in general such cell will be marked pink.

Step 4. Adding readings from your database

When you imported the template, the data was added to your readings database. It is a storage for all figures of readings you have ever entered. 

Next step is to sync the data, so that the newly entered readings are added to the period you are in. When syncing, Moderan takes the most recent numbers to the period's end.

Example: You entered two readings for meter "EF", previously for 20.08 - and just now for 31.08. After you sync the readings, Moderan will pick up the figure entered for 31.08 for calculations.

To sync the data, click ADD READINGS FROM DATABASE:


Once it is done, you will see the imported readings under Current Readings column. Now these are the readings used for the chosen period's calculations.

If you hover over the little "i" next to the number, you will see the date of the most recent reading entered:


If there was no reading for the current period, previously entered one will be showed - and such outdated cell will be marked yellow. It is important to go over all yellow cells to ensure information is entered for the period.

If you change some reading manually after there will be no little "i" with the date for this figure.

Using integration with the Remote metering system

To get the readings remotely, it is necessary to add the API token of integration partner in Admin > Integrations section.

The most important parameter for integration to work is Meter name or Technical ID. It does not matter which one is used. It is only important that the Meter name or Technical ID is identical both in Moderan and in the integration partner's database.

To add the readings, you have to click on ADD READINGS FROM DATABASE button in the Readings section and the Current readings of the period or the date closest to the selected period will be added.

Check Moderan ready-made integrations here: https://moderansolutions.com/partners/

If you have additional questions or want to explore possibilities to integrate with your Remote metering system, please contact us at support@moderansolutions.com